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Clay Country and The Towny Part!

"The mid-Cornwall area dominated by the clay industry is often overlooked or criticised, while Cornwall's granite landscapes are widely romaticised, which may in part be owing to the desire for the 'timeless', for a stability that the clay area is felt to threaten. The clay landscape does not readily fit into ideas of Cornwall as a spiritually Celtic, harmoniously natural and ancient place."

(Shelley Trower; from "Rocks of Nation: The Imagination of Celtic Cornwall" - 2015)

Mid Cornwall could be said, much as the granite uplands are, to be part of the "spine" of Cornwall. Whereas the granite uplands have provided the basis for Cornwall's industrial and mining past, including the clay industry, so mid Cornwall has provided the spine for Cornwall's transport infrastructure, road and rail; and it is also where the major towns have grown up that have provided the nearest thing that Cornwall has to anything "urban".

Driving by the Cornish Alps

Locations and Places of Interest