Lands of Celtic Myth and Mystery
"St.Michael's Mount at one time, in old Cornish, was called "Cara Cowze in Clowze", which means "The hoar rock in the wood"... what is now covered by sea, was once a forest, and this origin of the name is supported by the remains of petrified trees found in Mount's Bay, that have now sunk beneath the waves. Does this perhaps help substantiate the old myths of Lyonesse?"
Penwith is in many ways the part of Cornwall that everyone thinks of as being the real purest part of Cornwall, with its rugged beauty, craggy coast, ancient monuments, old mines and engine houses, rough seas and blue seas, myths and legends, and, well after-all, it really is at the Land's End. It can only be said that Penwith does indeed live up to all of this.

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