Photographs taken 2006 to 2014
There is more than one way to reach the Mount. In inclement weather or during the Winter, Mount residents and staff can access the mainland by the amphibious Duck kept on the Mount. This is an amphibious vehicle - both a car (of sorts!) registered for road use, and a boat. An interesting commute!

The "St Michael" Duck

...which simply drives in to the sea

...and across the choppy waters!

The "St Michael" ashore on the Mount.

Crossing to the Mount on an overcast Autumn day - the tide is just
receding off the causeway.

Chasing the receding waters - not so good the other way round!

Looking back at the causeway from the sanctuary of the Mount

The Gatehouse at the head of the harbour and causeway, and the
entrance to the Castle

The Mount harbour looking across at the mainland west of Marazion

Harbour boats

Harbour-side on the Mount and seasonal repairs underway

Harbour and Castle

The St Michael's Mount Mural on the end othe cottages near the

The Mount also has its own narrow gauge railway!
A service
tramway installed in the 1860s to haul goods to the castle at the
top - saving a lot of back-ache!

The train, or carriage trunk, on its cable.

The causeway is subject to continual attack by the sea, and often
needs repair in the Autumn and Winter
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