Photographs taken 2004 to 2015
More Shipping in and around Fowey Harbour
There has been a very varied range of vessels that visit Fowey! The harbour is always interesting, and there is always something going on. It is always an attraction when the larger ships visit.
Visiting Warships

"HMS Cornwall", a Type 22 Frigate paying a courtesy visit to Fowey
before she was decommissioned

"HMS Enterprise", a multi-role Survey Vessel of the Echo Class
(quite a contrast of motive power in that photo!)
Visiting Cruise Ships

On first sight, a new block of flats in Fowey???

Nope! Just "The World" on a visit.

"The World" - a live-aboard cruise ship
(I really really missed
my opportunity here... I should have gone out in my boat that day...
...I could have claimed to have sailed around the World!)

Some cruise ships have to anchor outside the harbour, as the "Silver
Whisper" did here.
(She's been inside the harbour before, but
weather, time and tide do sometimes dictate where some ships anchor
or moor)

A Cruise-ships-eye-view of Fowey Harbour from the "Silver Whisper"
(we were lucky enough to go aboard that day!)

A number of cruise ships call at Fowey, including the "Deutschland"
Visiting Sheds

A Shed was spotted happily motoring down Penpoll Creek!

...and another day, a Shed was spotted moored against the slipway in

"The Shed"! Revealed on its trailer in a boatyard somewhere near

'Tis the "Maid of Dekkin"! (say it again slowly...)
Other Vessels

The Tall Ship "Stavros S Niachos" moored next to the British
Antarctic Survey vessel "RRS Ernest Shackleton"

An old schooner , the "Alice", seen around Fowey Harbour - very
reminiscent of Frenchman's Creek!

An ex-Army Landing Craft - unfortunately no other details!

The Survey Vessel "Smit Yare" registered in Aberdeen

Sadly some more tragic vessels appear, this being the salvaged wreck
of the JMT M99,
a scallop trawler lost off Rame Head near the
Eddystone Lighthouse, with the loss of one of its crew members.
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Fowey Shipping page.
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